Time-Windows Solution

So, you worked on the exercise on your own before landing here and looking at this example solution. This solution does not add any new files but it touches them all:

  • SalesProposal state found here.
  • SalesProposalContract contract, with changes for all 3 commands Offer, Reject and Accept, found here.
  • The 3 flow pairs found here:
    • SalesProposalOfferFlows
    • SalesProposalRejectFlows
    • SalesProposalAcceptFlows

To follow along with IntelliJ, you need to open the 060-time-window folder as a project. Let’s review these in order.


As mentioned earlier, the only change needed here is to add an expiration date, preferrably in the same type used in TimeWindow:

private final Instant expirationDate;

Which is added to the equals and hashCode functions too. That calls for a new CDL:

Updated Sales Proposal State

The constructor allows setting an expiration date in the past. This is necessary to allow transaction verification in the future.

The tests add a null check in the constructor, and confirm the equals and hashCode functions.

Time to move to the contract, which is going to attest about the placement of the expiration date relative to the time window.

Offer in the contract

When making an offer, the contract only needs to make sure that the expiration is in the future. In terms of time-window, this means that:

  • There needs to be a time-window with a non-null untilTime.
  • And the untilTime needs to be before the expiration date.

Therefore, the only addition is, found here:

req.using("There should be a future-bounded time window",
        tx.getTimeWindow() != null &&
                tx.getTimeWindow().getUntilTime() != null);
req.using("The expiration date should be after the time window",

Admittedly, if untilTime equals the expiration date minus 1 second, it does not leave much time for the buyer to accept. But that will suffice, as is.

All the existing tests need to add a time-window that passes:

tx.timeWindow(Instant.now(), Duration.ofMinutes(1));

and new tests added to check that:

  • There must be a time-window.
  • It’s untilTime must be before the expiration date.

This calls for a new CDL:

Updated Sales Proposal State Machine View

Accept in the contract

Here, the goal is to enforce the fact that this transaction happened before the expiration date. So:

  • There needs to be a time-window with a non-null untilTime.
  • And the untilTime needs to be before the expiration date.

It looks already familiar:

req.using("There should be a future-bounded time window",
        tx.getTimeWindow() != null &&
                tx.getTimeWindow().getUntilTime() != null);
req.using("The buyer time window should be before the expiration date",

All the existing tests need to add a time-window that passes, and just like Offer, there are 2 new tests.

Reject in the contract

Now, switching gears, the goal is to constrain the seller only, and let them reject only after expiration. So this looks a bit different:

  • If the buyer rejects, it is indifferent to the presence of a time-window.
  • Otherwise, there needs to be a time-window with a non-null fromTime.
  • And the fromTime needs to be after the expiration date.

So, in terms of code:

if (command.getSigners().contains(proposal.getSeller().getOwningKey())) {
    req.using("There should be a past-bounded time window",
            tx.getTimeWindow() != null &&
                    tx.getTimeWindow().getFromTime() != null);
    req.using("The seller time window should be after the expiration date",
    // The buyer can reject at any time.

Most of the existing tests need to add a time-window that passes. Then, there needs to be a difference between the buyer or the seller rejecting:

  • The buyer can reject without a time-window.
  • The seller needs to add a time-window.
  • And the fromTime is after the expiration date.

Time to move to the flows.

The offer flows

When the transaction is being built, all that has to be done is to add a time-window that will let the notary accept it. Something like this would probably work:

builder.setTimeWindow(TimeWindow.withTolerance(Instant.now(), Duration.ofMinutes(1)))

But, that does not account for congestion and other delays. After all, your can improve reliability with:


That’s right. The time-window extends up to the expiration date. If this doesn’t work then it really was too late.

As for tests, it only needs an additional test with a sales proposal that has an expiration in the past:

final OfferFlowInitiating offerFlow = new OfferFlowInitiating(bmw1, buyerParty,
        AmountUtilitiesKt.amount(11_000L, usMintDollars),
//                   ^ in the past

And confirm that the cause of the failure:

try {
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
    throw e.getCause();

Is a notary exception:

@Test(expected = NotaryException.class)

The accept flows

Here too, in transaction building, it just needs a time-window that makes it easy to pass:


And the additional test confirms that the buyer cannot accept after expiration, first by making a short-lived offer:

final OfferSimpleFlow offerFlow = new OfferSimpleFlow(
        bmw1.getState().getData().getLinearId(), buyerParty, 11_000L, "USD",
        usMint.getInfo().getLegalIdentities().get(0), 10);
//                                                    ^ 10 seconds

Then forcefully advance time on the mock notary, so that it believes that it is already past the expiration. It is possible because in MockServices, the clock is a test clock:

((TestClock) notary.getServices().getClock()).advanceBy(Duration.ofSeconds(11));

And, similarly, check that the cause is a NotaryException.

Updated Atomic Car Buy BPMN

The reject flows

This time, the time-window needs to be added only when the seller rejects:

if (proposalState.getSeller().equals(rejecter)) {

And, 2 new tests for either side of the expiration date. First, when the seller waits long enough. A short-lived proposal:

final OfferSimpleFlow offerFlow = new OfferSimpleFlow(
        bmw1.getState().getData().getLinearId(), buyerParty, 11_000L, "USD",
        usMint.getInfo().getLegalIdentities().get(0), 3);
//                                                    ^ 3 seconds

Then “wait a bit”:

((TestClock) notary.getServices().getClock()).advanceBy(Duration.ofSeconds(5));

For the wrong side of the expiration, it creates a long-lived proposal and also confirms that the cause is a NotaryException.


Why all this trouble with time-windows? Why not just make life easier and compare the current date from within the contract against the expiration date? Something like this:

require.using("Current date must be before proposal expiration date.",

This is wrong, and it will lead to unpredictable (non-deterministic) results:

  1. In a distributed ledger where nodes have unsynchronized clocks, the outcome of the above contract is non-deterministic (some nodes will pass this verification, and some will not). Depending on what time it is on that node, Instant.now() will return a different value.
  2. Remember that the transaction will get verified in the future, when a node receives it because it’s part of the chain of transactions that lead to a transaction that it’s trying to receive and resolve. So, when the contract runs in the future, Instant.now() will return what time it is in the future and the verification will fail because the current time, i.e. the future, will be greater than the expiration date of the proposal!

DJVM (Deterministic JVM)

Corda 4.4 introduced a Deterministic JVM that protects you from making mistakes like the above.

This new feature comes with a Gradle plugin that alerts you about non-deterministic code in your contracts at compile time.

It also allows you to configure your nodes to reject any contract code that is non-deterministic.

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